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Campus Wide Holiday Sale on Saturday, December 7 from 10:00-4:00

December 7 @ 10:00 am - 4:00 pm


Campus Wide Holiday Sale on Saturday, December 7 from 10:00-4:00

On Saturday, December 7 from 10:00-4:00 head on over to The Campus to find the perfect gift or handmade ornament - over 150 campus artists and students join together to sell their art for your holiday shopping! Our Campus Wide Holiday Sale covers all 3 buildings, we serve free cookies all day, and Santa will be here too!

Free and family-friendly! Let us know you'll be attending by RSVPing!

This is a popular show, come early to browse the best selections!

10 Going
Campus Wide Holiday Sale

On Saturday, December 7 from 10:00-4:00 head on over to The Campus to find the perfect gift or handmade ornament – over 150 campus artists and students join together to sell their art for your holiday shopping! Our Campus Wide Holiday Sale covers all 3 buildings, we serve free cookies all day, and Santa will be here too!

Free and family-friendly! Let us know you’ll be attending by RSVPing!

This is a popular show, come early to browse the best selections!


1416 Lebanon Pike #C
Nashville, TN 37210 United States

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1416 Lebanon Pike
Nashville, TN
