Tennessee Potter's Society

Tennessee Potter’s Society provides meetings to gather potters of all experience and skill levels for celebration, preservation, and education to ensure a strong community and sustainable industry for clay artists.


Our next meeting is
Saturday, August 24, 2024

Bring a Mug to donate to benefit Borderless Arts and a second Mug for a mug exchange!


The Clay Lady’s Campus
1416 Lebanon Pike, Nashville, Tennessee 37210


Due to the large attendance, we request you RSVP your intention to attend by emailing danielle@theclaylady.com


The focus of our meetings center on how we as potters, which are usually solitary workers, are stronger together than apart.  Community is important to sustain our industry.

We will have speakers, Q&A, table talk with specific topics and of course, networking and conversation!

Due to the large attendance, we request you RSVP your intention to attend by emailing danielle@theclaylady.com


Members will not be asked to pay monetary dues. However, there will be an ask at each meeting for a piece of your work to benefit our creative, non-profit, communities of Tennessee. 

August meeting Dues:  a mug
to benefit Borderless Arts
(bring a second mug for our mug exchange!)

Come early to the meeting and participate in our Spring Bowl-A-Thon in our pottery studio from 9:00-3:00! Clay is provided! Mugs will be given to the Cups of Co-opportunity event that benefits Borderless Arts – a statewide organization to bring opportunities to artists with disabilities.


Each meeting will have different potters with various experience and backgrounds sharing their experience as Tennessee Potters followed by conversation and collaboration! 

August meeting will be a Panel discussion with collegiate arts instructors:

“What I want you to know.”

Names and Bios to be posted soon!
Our past speakers are also listed at the bottom.

August Meeting will be a panel discussion with collegiate arts instructors: "What I want you to know."

Hear from 3 well-known Tennessee college instructors that have their own successful clay career.  They will discuss the journey of students learning clay at the college level as well as their own experience and lessons that they “want you to know”!

Jane-Allen McKinney

“Clay opened a whole world of beauty for the symmetrical vessel while experiencing the calm and soothing act of throwing on the wheel where all other thoughts are replaced with the harmony of the wheel’s rotation. A form of relaxation that yields a beautiful form and pushes other thoughts away from those moments while throwing on the wheel. I find the process of making ceramics the most enjoyable and spontaneous process and media. My ceramics are mostly functional or figurative striving for the beauty of the material and the human form.”

Lewis Snyder
Screenshot 2024-06-06 at 3.01.50 PM

“It is my aim to pursue my work as a clay artist to the fullest by developing my knowledge and skills while using my natural talents to become the best artist that I can. I also strive to enrich my environment through my works and to share with others who could benefit from my experience. With that in mind, it is my intent to maintain a high level of professionalism, growth, and progression as I work toward my clay artist goals. A portion of that pursuit also drives me to explore more deeply into the possibilities of form and glaze color. Which in turn, leads to more experimenting with glaze development and firing techniques that could provide more control and assist in the production of more art pieces which possess that spark of life that is rarely seen in pottery being produced today.



Patrick Andrew Green

“I have been a ceramic artist and sculptor for over seventeen years. I am based out of middle Tennessee, though I have done workshops and taught from Arizona to Maine.

I am an artist and professor. I spend most of my time teaching and refining my work. I also teach a number of Workshops from basic techniques to glaze development and kiln building.




The Tennessee Potters Society will meet twice a year. Save the date for our next meeting – Saturday, August 24, 3:00-5:00, 2024

Members will receive biannual informative emails from Tennessee Potter’s Society.

Speakers from previous meetings:
Sarah Longenecker
Sarah Diane


Tammy Gentuso
The Nashville Clayscape
Joseph McDaniel


Danielle McDaniel
Susan DeMay
Alexia Marcelle Abegg
Becca Jane Koehler
Chelsea Faith
Roy Overcast


Adriane SmithLaVergneClay & Companyhello@clayandcompany.netclay_and_companywww.clayandcompany.net
Aleta Chandler ArtCurious StudioAleta@artcuriousshop.com www.artcuriousstudio.com
Alexia AbeggNashville alexiamarcelleabegg@gmail.com  
Alexie SmithNashvilleLXCeramicsalexie.smith78@gmail.comyouknowlexx 
Alexis ColbertNashvilleWhen Bunnies Flyinfo@alexiscolbert.comwhenbunniesflywww.alexiscolbert.com
Alice Kate TorresNashvilleAlice Kate Torres Ceramicsalicekatetorres@gmail.com www.alicekatetorres.com
Alissa GossNashville alissa@agstudioshop.comagstudiowww.agstudioshop.com
Amanda Mason Ginkgo Pottery Studioginkgopotterystudio@gmail.com  
Anna Turner  aturner@dtccom.net  
Anna Whitworth From Earth to ArtFromearth2art@aol.comfromearthtoartpotterywww.fromearthtoart.org
Anne Wilkins  annemwilkins@gmail.com  
Anne-Marie NareyNashvilleAnne-Marie Narey Ceramics & Glassanarey@artic.educorner_of_mischief 
Ashely ClaiborneNashville RumCatClayworks@gmail.comrumcatclayworks 
Asia MathisNashville asiamathis@icloud.com  
Audra LaddNashvilleAudra Ladd Studiosaudraladd@gmail.com  
August Bremer  august.bremer@gmail.com  
Avery Sledesky  asledesky@gmail.com  
Barb Bates  bates.bb123@yahoo.com  
Beth BarnardNashvilleBeth Barnard Artbethbarnardart@gmail.com  
Brad HendersonNashvilleOld School Farm Potterybrad@oldschoolfarm.orgoldschoolfarmpottery 
Carly Swindell  carly.a.swindell@gmail.com  
Cass FaganFairviewPosh Porcelainfaganck@gmail.comclay_and_companywww.clayandcompany.net
Cass Minutillo  cassi.minutillo@gmail.com  
Cassis PitmanNashville cassis.pitman@gmail.com  
Cathy Power  claygirlcat@gmail.comredhrdgirlwww.cathypower.com
Chandler Al  chandler.anc@gmail.com  
Chelsea LingerfeldtNashvilleChelsea Faith Ceramicshello@chelseafaith.comchelseafaithchelseafaith.com
Cheryl BenusNashville cheryleveclayworks@gmail.com  
Christine RothClarksvilleThe Singing Geckoskot2526@msn.com  
Claire Marie  claire.wachowiak@gmail.com  
Claudette TidwellNashville claudt2002@aol.com  
Courtney SteckNashville cabelson21@gmail.com  
Dan GutzmanHendersonvillePart of Me Potterypartofmepottery@yahoo.com  
Dan SwindellNashvilleSwindell Potterydcswindell@gmail.com  
Danielle McDanielNashvilleThe Clay Ladydanielle@theclaylady.comclayladycampustheclaylady.com
Dan SwindellNashville dcswindell@gmail.com  
Debbie Copley  Debbie@dc-pottery.com  
Dena Hershkowitz  dena1025@comcast.net  
Devi SanfordNashvilleDevi Sanford Photographydevi@devisanford.com  
Donna RizzoCharlotteRizzo Rakurizzoraku@gmail.com www.donnarizzo.com
Elizabeth MartinNashivlleChapel Studioselizabeth.d.martin05@gmail.com  
Emilee MartinNashvilleMineral Hausemilee@shopmineralhaus.commineral.hauswww.shopmineralhaus.com
Emilia McCannNashvilleWest America Potteryemilia.c.mccann@gmail.comwestamericapotterywestamericapottery.com
Emma Elliott  emma.boyd.elliott@gmail.com  
Emoke PulayNashville emokekat@yahoo.comemoke_pulay 
Ginny Smith  virginia0571@att.net  
Hayden ButlerNashvilleHayden’s Pottery Shopthepotter@haydenspotteryshop.comhaydenspotteryshop 
Heide WeidnerCookevillePine Hill Potteryhzweidner@gmail.com  
Holly Bouman hfb ceramicshfbceramics@gmail.com www.hfbceramics.com
Ingrid Alexander  iialexa49@gmail.com  
Isha El  goddessofwisdom222@gmail.com  
Jane YackleyNashvilleJyack Potsjanekyackley@gmail.comjyackpots 
Jenn Beresford   jenn_beresford 
Jenna Beth WalkerNashville jennabethw@gmail.com  
Jenni KellyRockwoodKelly Potteryjennisculpts@yahoo.com  
Jennifer Dutton  jduttondesign@gmail.com  
Jessica RussellDicksonStudio  Emberjtrussell27@gmail.comsudtio.emberwww.studio-ember.com 
Jill AndersonNashvilleFeral Pottery Co.drjillelizabeth@gmail.com  
Jill Sink  jdsink@comcast.net  
Joanie CurryNashvilleCurry & Claycurryjoans@gmail.combackyardpotter 
JoAnn Velez     
Joseph McDanielNashville joseph@midsouthceramics.com   
Joshua WagnerNashvilleRound Table Potteryjodadesign@gmail.comroundtablepottery 
Judith Kenigson Kristy  jkinterp@gmail.com  
Julie CummingsCollege Grove juliegc4@gmail.compottersgrovestudio 
Julie FilsonNashville juliesglazedgallery@gmail.com  
June CallahanFranklin june369@outlook.com  
Karen Kupelian  klkupelian@gmail.com  
Kathy HusseyNashvilleKathy Hussey Potterykathy@kathyhussey.com  
Kathy& Martin O’DonnellFranklin odonnell5661@gmail.com  
Kelly CarterNashville ke.carter@me.com  
Kelsey Klein  2000kelseyk@gmail.com  
Kerby WilkesNashville kerbywilkes@gmail.com  
Kristen Frenzel  kristenfrenzel@yahoo.comkristen_frenzel 
Leah Looper  leah.looper@pcsstn.com  
Leah QuaziNashvilleLeeBee Potteryleebeequa@gmail.comleebeepottery 
Leam Lescheck  lescheckleam@gmail.com  
Lee Marshall Silver Ridge Potterylmarsh1220@aol.com www.silverridgepottery.com
Linda CrossanFranklinCrowsthree Studiolcrossan@comcast.net crowsthreestudio.com
Lisa Brown  maulebrown@bellsouth.net  
Lola DuffNashville loladuff22@gmail.com  
Malinda Brafford  malmorgan7@gmail.com  
Marilee Hall   Marileehall1@gmail.com  
Martha DuffNashville marthabduff@gmail.com  
Mary Margaret UlderichCamdenUlderich Potteryulderichmm@live.com  
Megha Rodriguez  megha@higherhumanity.com  
Melanie MoranNashville melanie.s.moran@gmail.com  
Melissa McKeeNashville melissadmckee@gmail.com  
Melissa TraceNashville tracemelissa@yahoo.com  
Merideth HolderNashvilleMerideth Holder Potterymerideth.walter@gmail.commerideth.holderwww.meridthholder.com
Michael Tackeff  michael.tackeff@gmail.com  
Michelle CokerNashville annamichellecoker@gmail.com  
Namir Rivera  namir_rivera@yahoo.com  
Nancy Castle  finleys5@yahoo.com  
Patrick GreenCookesvilleMisty Mountain Studiospatrick.green@volstate.edu  
Philip WoodardWestmorelandPhilip Woodard Artphilipwoodardart@gmail.com  
Ralph DiPalmaNashville ralph.dipalma@comcast.net  
Rachel KirbyNashville rachel.kirby96@gmail.com  
Rebecca JacobsNashville rebeccaajacobs@hotmail.com  
Rebekah Tran  rebekahjtran@gmail.com  
Robbie LustigNashvilleCeramics by Robbierjl209@aol.com  
Roy OvercastNashville roy@royovercast.com  
Sandrine HopeClarksvilleFrench Frog Potteryfrenchfrogpottery@gmail.com www.frenchfrogpottery.com
Sarah BollingerNashvilleSlow Life Potterybollinger.se@gmail.comslowlifepottery 
Sarah FergusonFairview souchee@gmail.com  
Sarah FornoFairview sarahforno@gmail.com  
Sarah HearnNashville sarahwhearn@gmail.com  
Sarah Humphreys  sarahbhumphreys@gmail.comsbhumphreysartwww.sarahbyrdhumphreys.com
Sharla Williams  dsbwilliams@yahoo.com  
Sherry Whitten  sherry@thewhittens.net  
Susan Fuller Black Eyed Susan Potterysuecfuller1994@gmail.com  
Susan LawlessClarksvilleSusan Lawless Ceramicsslawless01@att.netsusanlawlessceramicswww.susanlawlessceramics.com
Susan DeMayNashvilleMade by DeMaysusandemay@gmail.com www.susandemay.com
Susan JacksonNashville sandjjackson@msn.com  
Suzanne BinghamNashvilleEssbee PotterySuzanne@essbeepottery.com  
Tami ArcherNashville tami@midsouthceramics.com  
Tammy GentusoNashvilleStudio Gentusotsgentuso@yahoo.comtammygentuso, Nashville_clayscapewww.studiogentuso.com
Terrie Ponder Watch Cardinal Lake Potteryterrie@cardinallakepottery.comcardinallakepotterywww.cardinallakepottery.com
Thomas Svitek  thomas.svitek@gmail.com  
Theresa Alley  theresamarie827@gmail.com  
Timothy WeberKingston SpringsT Weber Potterytweberpottery@gmail.com  
Tina AtkinsonNashvilleArt with Dr. Adr.tinaatkinson@gmail.com  
Tish Witkin  tish92610@aim.com  
Tom TurnbullNashville turnbullpottery@gmail.com  
Tom Rice Tom Rice Potterytomrice03@yahoo.com  
Treva GordonNashvilleThe Wish Farmtreva@trevamusic.comtrevab, thewishfarmwww.thewishfarm.com
Victoria MayNashville hvbmay@icloud.com  
Virginia Wiley  wileyvf@comcast.net  



Danielle McDaniel~The Clay Lady

2022-2024 Representative of Tennessee Potter’s Society





© 2022 Tennessee Potter's Society | The Clay Lady's Campus | Website Hosting by Muletown Digital

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Contact Us

1416 Lebanon Pike
Nashville, TN
